Membership Portfolio
26 Jan 2024
Have you downloaded your member logo for 2024?
Do you recognise this logo?
You know that when you see this logo your dermal health professional will be patient-focused, evidence-based, and practice with compassion, honesty, and integrity as this is what is required of members in their interactions at all times.
You also know that as part of the membership process, their qualifications and identity have been verified through a robust process. When a dermal health professional displays this logo they have agreed to abide by the codes of conduct of the ASDC and professional community, to uphold our values and standards, and contribute positively to the profession.
This logo aims to provide confidence to consumers and those who work with dermal health professionals displaying this mark of the association. In becoming a member of the ASDC you have qualified for your category of membership, earned your professional title and right to display this logo through recognised further study and training.
⁉ Did you know that only active financial members can use our annual logo? To ensure that you are working with an ASDC member there are a few things to look for as distinguishing markers
1. Look for a logo with the current financial year as a watermark like this one.
2. Look for a logo with their member category in their logo
As a financial member of the ASDC, you are provided with an annual membership logo that can be used for promotional and advertising purposes. The ASDC logo is trademarked and should be used only in alignment with the ASDC logo terms of use. This includes using the logo in any advertising and marketing materials in a manner that maintains consumer confidence and upholds the professional values of the Association. All uses of the ASDC logo must cease and be removed upon non-renewal of membership or the termination of an Affiliation agreement for partner organisations.
All active financial members can access their member packs including annual logo in their member profile now. Check your inboxes for a reminder email this week. Or log in to the website click the member profile at the top of the page and scroll to your membership resources