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Non-Surgical Symposium June 3-5 Gold Coast

Introducing two ASDC Members presenting at the NSS Conference

The Non-Surgical Symposium is a collaborative event between the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) and the Australasian Society of Cosmetic Dermatologists (ASCD). The event is open to all medical practitioners, nurses, dermal clinicians, and practice staff in the aesthetic medicine industry.

The NSS is held between June 3-5 on the Gold Coast. This year the event is a hybrid and you have the opportunity to attend in person or virtually. Dermal Clinicians and Therapists this year have another reason to attend. This year we have at least two Dermal Clinicians up on the presenter podium. As evidence-based allied health professionals presenting is an important aspect of clinical practice and presenting at these events is a great opportunity.

This year the ASDC awarded funding as part of the research and education grant for the successful applications of an abstract for presentation in person on the Gold Coast. The expression of interest for abstract submission was open to all Dermal Clinicians and Therapists however the research and education fund is only available to ASDC members.

Throughout the history of the Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians, we have always had strong ties with the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Twenty-three years ago several ASAPS members were among the group that established the first Bachelor's Degree level qualification in dermal science and therapy. They lobbied for this qualification to up-skill their practice staff performing skin and non-surgical cosmetic therapies with the emergence of advanced technologies.

The ASDC has an affiliate agreement with ASCD and focuses on creating opportunities for collaboration, particularly in ongoing education and research.

The Non-Surgical Symposium has traditionally been a great opportunity to come together to learn from and network with medical, nursing, and allied health professionals within the aesthetic medicine sector.

Dermal Clinicians are speaking at this year's conference

If you would like to attend the Non-Surgical Symposium, there is still time. Members should go to the member portal for information on how to attend and the link to register as an ASDC member.

Recognition, referral, reward, revenue and retention in the management of pigmentation - A regional dermal clinician's perspective

Whitney Gunn , BHSc (Dermal Science)


Owner of Do You Even Skin & Consultant Dermal Clinician

Full Member of the Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians, research and education grant funding was provided to assist with travel expenses for this presentation by the Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians.

Purpose – The early identification and management of sun damage and suspicious lesions in rural areas are challenging due to access to medical professionals and cost. Presented in this case study is a value-based health model integrating the skills and knowledge of Dermal Clinicians to improve client outcomes.

Introduction – On the south coast of NSW, hyperpigmentation is prevalent due to the coastal location and the outdoor lifestyle. Therefore, sun, hormone, and inflammatory induced hyper-pigment as well as suspicious pigment, are regularly identified. In regional communities, wait times and price points of seeking medical advice can hinder the likelihood of early recognition and positive treatment outcomes. However, utilising dermal clinicians in the early recognition and management will lead to ongoing revenue within a value-based care model. As tertiary qualified skin professionals, Dermal Clinicians have the knowledge to differentiate the different types of hyper pigment and to refer appropriately.

Method – A case study and model of valued-based health care demonstrating how integrating a Dermal Clinician along with medical practitioners in a community in regional NSW improves patient satisfaction and outcomes.

Results – Dermal Clinicians and their knowledge and skills are a valuable resource as an emerging health workforce to assist with skin health. Utilising these tertiary qualified skin professionals within an allied health practice brings excellent reward and patient retention in long-term skin health management. This, in turn, leads to more significant revenue for the business.

Skin tightening in an integrated model of care in a plastic surgery setting: An intervention ladder-based approach

Sofia Ververakis, BHSc (Dermal Science)


Dermal Clinician employed with Re. Plastic Surgery.

Full Member of the Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians, research and education grant funding was provided to assist with travel expenses for this presentation by the Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians.

Purpose – This review will explore the scope of the Dermal Clinician and investigate evidence-based clinical interventions and outcomes for skin tightening when working in an integrated,multi-disciplinary, plastic surgery setting.

Introduction- The clinical scope of the Dermal Clinician, although clearly defined and accredited, holds some ambiguity in multi-disciplinary practice. As AHPA-affiliated allied-health professionals, dermal clinicians are trained to provide clinical care in multi-disciplinary settings, both collaboratively and autonomously. With skin health at the centre of their work, the dermal clinician holds specialised knowledge in the assessment, prevention, and management of various skin conditions, both clinical and cosmetic. The multidisciplinary clinical approach of the dermal clinician follows a patient-centred and value-based care model, focused on wholistic patient management and improved patient outcomes. In the management of skin laxity, the scope of the dermal clinician allows for the use of non-surgical and minimally invasive interventions. Practice is evidence-based, and intervention selection is supported by clinical reasoning and medical intervention tools. The purpose of this review is to explore the scope and applicability of the Dermal Clinician when addressing a patient with concerns of skin laxity.

Method - A search was conducted on both PubMed and Cochrane library to source viable, current, and high-level evidence relevant to the research topic and evaluated themes. A search strategy was formulated and reviewed. Search terms used were “non-invasive” and “skin tightening”, or “neocollagenesis” or “facial rejuvenation.” Evidence considered was exclusive to Meta-analyses, Systematic Reviews and Randomised-controlled Trials as each is of Level I or II standards (NHMRC), presenting as the gold standard for assessing evidence as clinical practitioners. Results were collated and reviewed, providing a strong and reliable body of evidence.

Results -A total of 31 studies were found, each outlining non-invasive interventions, effective in the treatment of skin laxity and collagen degradation. Each of the proposed modalities works through varying mechanisms of action but ultimately result in changes to the structure of the dermis and epidermis. Results show improvements in skin tightness and overall texture and support the concept of combination therapy, exploring how the use of multiple modalities can yield superior results when addressing patients with concerns of skin laxity. The academic literature provides evidence and support for treatment programs designed and utilised by the dermal clinician in both independent and multi-disciplinary settings.

Conclusion - The scope of the dermal clinician is such that they are of the skillset, knowledge, and ability to improve the effects of skin laxity successfully and independently. By taking a patient-centred approach and utilising clinical reasoning as well as assessment and intervention tools, the dermal clinician provides a standard of expertise and care that is of value to the integrated plastic surgery practice.

There is still time to register

As an ASDC member log into your portal to use the ASDC registration link



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